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Local Art + Local Ice Cream = Our Dreams Come True

July 27, 2019 | by Hannah Leone

If you've moseyed into the shop as of late, you may have noticed an eye-catching pop of color among the usual sea of white pints and quarts in our merchandise freezer. Those are our brand new CUSTOM PINTS! A super-huge-over-the-moon shoutout to Sarah Goetz for sitting down with us and creating the spectacular design!

We've been smitten (to put it tamely) with her work for a while, and were so excited she agreed to work with Leones' Creamery. She was patient and kind enough to not even roll her eyes (noticeably) through all of our very particular tweaks and alteration requests!

Our starting point options. (jah, Sarah is amaze)

We haven't told her yet, but we'd like to have her illustrate every aspect of our lives from here on out. Oh, and the strange happenstance you're sad to see the departure of the classic white container with our stamp on it, you may want to hightail it to the shop to grab a "vintage-edition" pint, because those puppies will soon be a thing of the past.



Some optional color designs...SO hard to choose!

Whaddya think, friends?! Stoked to rock these in your freezer? Something as simple as new pints is JUST the beginning for big changes here at Leones' Creamery. Stay tuned for more fun news!