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Roll the numbers (a 2023 rundown)

January 07, 2024 | by Hannah Leone

Let's do it again! Our 2023 rundown is here! We're back with our yearly recap, which is always our favorite way to reminisce on the past year (rapid-fire style, of course). Want to peruse previous years' recaps? You can always take a gander at past blog posts from the archive to see how 2023 stacks up! 

*these numbers do not factor in special/satellite events or wholesale*

Your favorite expertly crafted, gluten-free, mighty delicious waffle cones eaten (the original kind): 17,209

Chocolate-dipped waffle cones noshed: 11,566

New malt-shop-minty-green floors laid: 1

Tuesdays open for business: 0 ('tis what it is)

Most popular quart flavor sold (not including Sweet Cream/Vanilla): Peppermint Bark

Chewy, glorious ice cream sandwiches purchased: 2,360

Busiest, wildest, full to the brim month: July (our heavyweight champion every darn year)

Most popular chocolate flavor: Dark Chocolate...followed very closely by Chocolate Oreo

Number of front door color changes: 4(!)

CHEERS TO 2024! We truly can't thank you enough for letting us do what we do! It wouldn't be possible without the support from the coolest, sweetest, most deeeelightful community of friends and supporters (Spearfish really does have the best taste in ice cream, if we do say so ouirselves). Here's to 2024, with an extra large helping of sprinkles.